After a busy and chaotic week, you just want to spend time with your kids...but quietly! I get it. Most parents need that down time and it can always be done even with kids around. How, you ask? There are plenty of activities a family can do together while keeping the noise level to a minimum...and here are some suggestions:
- Coloring together
- Do a family-time word search with some of our FREE word search printables; you can find them down at the bottom of this article.
- Follow along / listen together to an audiobook that everyone can enjoy - I highly recommend something with a little bit of mystical adventure for the family!
- Simple DIY crafts - something you all can finish during the evening, like making bracelets.
- Put together a scrapbook page or two as a family.
Really the possibilities are endless. What are some ways you have enjoyed quiet-time with your kids? I'd love to hear about it! Send me an email and I will share it on my next parenting article! Love getting your hands on FREE printable activities? Then be sure to subscribe to my FREE weekly newsletter to keep up to date on new ones!
Save the FREE word search images to your phone or computer and just print!