
Jefferson Patterson Park

River Life Camp: Come discover what makes the Patuxent River so special by exploring it from its waters to the forests and meadows that surround it. June 26 - 30, 9am – 3pm Rising 2nd – 3rd graders

Imagine If Camp: "Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be someone or even something else? Imagine if you could try out being someone new each day? Who would you be? It all begins with the words, “Imagine if” at JPPM." July 5 - 7 Rising Ks and 1st graders, Session I: 9am – 11:30pm, Session II: 1-3:30pm

Archaeology Camp: Have you ever wanted to be an archaeologist? Spend a week with archaeologists excavating for artifacts in the field and working with curators and conservators to clean, study, and preserve artifacts at the Maryland Archaeological Conservation Laboratory (MAC Lab). July 10 - 14 ,9am – 4pm Rising 6th – 8th graders

Native Skills Camp: Learn to make fire with bow and drill and about the tools native people made and used. Explore the forest and marsh and try to catch fish in the river. July 17 - 21 , 9am – 4pm Rising 6th-8th graders.

Hands on History: Discover how science and history help us interpret the past. Each day will be a different adventure as you investigate the history and archaeology of Southern Maryland. July 24 - 28, 9am – 4pm, Rising 4th and 5th graders

JPPM Stewards - “It Takes a Village” Camp: This camp is setup to help campers learn about all the hard work and teamwork it takes to build a village. Campers will collectively build their own wigwam frame, help with the Village garden, and select a personal project to research and work on that will be seen by thousands of visitors each year. July 31-Aug. 4, 9am-4pm, rising 9th and 10th graders

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