
Celebrating the Month of January Macaroni KID Calvert-St. Mary's Style

January brings a fresh, new perspective to our lives--here are some little known holidays to enjoy!

By Jessica Parsons--Macaroni Kid-Calvert-St. Mary's Publisher December 26, 2022

Ahhh...there is something about the turning of the year that makes me feel like I have been gifted a new beginning. It's like January sweeps out all the mistakes and mishaps of the year that was, and blows in fresh, new blessings and opportunities to make THIS YEAR the best one yet!

That must be why so many people make it an annual tradition to create a whole list of resolutions or changes they plan to implement in their lives over the coming months in order to do just that--make it an amazing year. Now I won't get into the trouble with resolutions here and why so few stick around for the first two weeks of the new year. I wholeheartedly believe it is important to have something to reach for and resolutions are a fantastic start.

Instead, I want to welcome January, and this sparkling new year full of opportunities with some fun and obscure "holidays" to add to our calendars to make EVERY day something to be celebrated in your family. There is even a fun calendar to download with a few ideas to start. 

Download the calendar here

January has a lot of notoriety and significance both nationally and internationally. It is known as National Thank You Month; National Staying Healthy Month; National Slow Cooking Month; National Poverty Awareness in America Month; National Be On Purpose Month; National Financial Wellness Month; National Blood Donor Month; and so many more!! We seem to have a lot to live up to this month.

Here are some things you can enjoy with your family this month--maybe, start your own wacky tradition!

1st: Everyone knows we celebrate New Year's Day on January 1.

 How about Apple Gifting Day? Because apples symbolize good health. Gifting people apples on New Year's Day is wishing them good health for the rest of the year. Now that's something special to celebrate!

Participate in Polar Bear Plunge Day? 

Do you celebrate World Peace Day

2nd: Today we celebrate World Introvert Day, as well as National Motivation and Inspiration Day. I don't know about you, but I can definitely feel the importance of a day dedicated to inspiring others and lifting people up. As a family, what kind of traditions can you think of to start with your kids to make this a day of dedication to how important each of us are and the potential we each have within us?

3rd: Now HERE'S a day we can all get down with--National Women ROCK Day! This is a day dedicated to the women who made waves in music. Aretha Franklin was the first woman inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame on January 3, 1987. Aretha paved the way for so many others, so today pick a playlist of inspiring rocking women and "rock out"!

4th: Today is National Spaghetti Day (so guess what's for dinner?!) We also celebrate Trivia Day, so have fun while eating that spaghetti dinner. Who will win--the kids or the 'rents?

5th: Who doesn't love whipped cream?! Apparently, the creators of National Whipped Cream Day felt the same love for it because here is an entire day dedicated to the light, fluffy cream.  We also have Twelfth Night/Epiphany Eve so don't forget to fill your shoes with hay and treasures!

6th: Today we celebrate the Epiphany/Three King's Day in many parts of the world--check out our article about Three King's Day here. This is also National Take Down the Christmas Tree Day, believed to be good luck to leave it up until Three King's Day. 

7th: Today is National Play Outside Day so there are so many ways to celebrate this day. Take a hike in one of our incredible parks in Southern Maryland, such as Flag Ponds Nature Park in Lusby or Greenwell State Park in Hollywood. Search for "hidden treasures" in your own backyard. Play a rousing game of tag. Just get outside and play!

8th: This one's for all the stressed-out mama's out there--it's National Bubble Bath Day! Tell the kids they must let you relax in a nice warm bath--it's a national holiday. 

9th: Today is National Do Something Nice for Someone Day and I really like the possibilities of this. Discuss with your children ahead of time what kinds of wonderful things they might do for someone. From the simplest things like holding a door for someone or carrying a bag of groceries for the elderly neighbor next door. To bigger things like donating precious time and resources to help someone out, with no expectations of anything in return.

10th: On January 10th we celebrate National Peculiar People Day. Today we give "peculiar" people the credit they are due. These are the people marching to the beat of their own drum and not caring what anyone has to say about their mismatched clothes or fuschia and green hair. These are also the people who teach us that being different does not make us bad or wrong, so let out your peculiar person today and do something daring!

11th: International Thank You Day and International Human Trafficking Awareness Day are recognized today. 

12th: Enjoy a nice, relaxing cup of hot tea today as this is National Hot Tea Day! What's your favorite flavor of tea? I love French vanilla black tea--even the smell is amazing!

13th: Today celebrate Make Your Dreams Come True Day. A goal without a plan is just a wish, so pick a family goal you have and design a plan to make it a reality! Check out this article about creating a Family Vision Board for inspiration.

14th: Let's go fly a kite! Today is International Kite Day! With so many interesting and brightly colored options to choose from, let's decorate the sky today.

15th: Among many other things celebrated, today is National Fresh Squeezed Juice Day. If you don't have a juicer and can't find any place local to buy fresh squeezed, you can make fresh squeezed orange juice with just a knife (to cut oranges in half) and your hands to squeeze the halves into a glass. 

16th: Celebrate your local teachers today with a special treat because today is National Elementary School Teachers Day (though honestly every day should be!) 

17th: Stream some reruns of Golden Girls today to celebrate the amazing, incredible Betty White on Betty White Day!

18th: Celebrate everyone's favorite bear today with a nice pot of honey and some dear friends on National Winnie the Pooh Day.

19th: Pick a movie and pop some popcorn today to celebrate National Popcorn Day

20th: Today is Take a Walk Outdoors Day and with so many amazing parks with trails here in Southern Maryland, we've no excuse not to get out in nature. Bundle up and take a walk outdoors!

21st: Do you love crazy footwear? Then today is for you as it is National Cheesy Socks Day! Wear your silliest, cheesiest pair of socks with pride today.

22nd: Let's ring in the Year of the Rabbit today on Chinese New Year. See our article here for some fun facts and ways to celebrate.

23rd: Well...this one is interesting. Today is National Measure Your Feet Day! So..umm well measure your feet I guess!

24th: It's National Compliment Day so why don't you start a new family tradition and add a little bit of competition to it. Today, make it a goal to give as many sincere compliments to others as you possibly can. Everyone from the mailman to the bus driver to that grumpy man working at the Giant. You might be surprised at how amazing this makes YOU feel. It may become a daily habit. 

25th: It's Opposite Day!!! This was always a favorite of my kids growing up (though as a parent it was really frustrating trying to get a sincere answer from them today!)

26th: National Pistachio Day today. Toss a handful of the little green gems in lunch today.

27th: It's Chocolate Cake Day today--you know what to do with this one! Have a yummy slice today--the calories won't even count since it's a holiday.

28th: Toss some fresh blueberries into your pancake batter today to celebrate National Blueberry Pancake Day!

29th: For a fun way to build community interaction, try your hand at yodeling on National Yodel for Your Neighbors Day.

30th: Experiment with different add-ins to your cup of hot chocolate today to celebrate National Hot Chocolate Day.  

What will your family do to make every day a cause for celebration this month?! Will you celebrate one of these crazy days or will you make up your own? Be sure to let us know by emailing us to let us know. Who knows--maybe your crazy tradition might make it into infamy in the next edition of Macaroni KID Calvert-St. Mary's. 

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